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Hiya Demi. =]

Im coming too the end of available recipes& i hafta ask: where are the Medicine Refines. The Distill procedures that make high- end HP, MP, HP/MP & broadcast all those derivatives.. ?


Help. Ive pridfully refused to ask for hints, but the green slib is, like; a Ninja.!. Please. Any pointers?


Regull port, behind one of the palm leaves.

hmm should i gush? Like: TvT ohmygodThankYou! Or stoic& conservitive.. You Rock, dude=]

im doing some Mithril fishing in the Frozen Fields& ran into this bug on startup.  My Save was just the West entrance.

(1 edit)

Hi there, it seems that you've encountered a lot of these and again it's the same issue running with the specs on your computer that is trying to Render WebGL. 

sorry to report a single prob. repetitively

(1 edit)

hi, it's okay, it can be very hard for me to do anything since the program I used to make the game is basically relying on webGL render. And it being related to computer specs in order to run the game.

I figured id dip a toe in& see if it was Deadly. =]Amazing!. I got some major Refits to do.)) XP

hi demi=] i found this bug on the WorldMap. While reloading from a save i made about 15 paces away from thespacia/ abyss/ Dark Portal. Near the former thieves hideout

(2 edits)

Unfortunately, there's no solution to this fix that I can find. There's a link that someone else has encountered the problem but it's hard to say what it is. It could be the program itself/computer specs and since i haven't messed with the webGL code at all this is slightly beyond me.

thats fine. =] thanks for giving it a Look/ See

Someone knows where I have to go at the emerald forest. And as of reflections, south, southwest, west, east, I want to know where I'm headed. Help me...


copy from thread below

First Riddle - Go Right to enter another map, then keep going right 5 times until you see a monster.
Second Riddle - Find and collect all the yellow orbs in the forest.
Third - Talk to the bird first, if you get the directions wrong make sure to always talk to the bird first before continuing.
Do through the forest using the following directions from the bird, go UP, UP-Right, Right and then Left, a monster should be infront of the bird

Thanks for the clue... 👍😁😁

dude I'm doing as you said and nothing happend up up right right left. then I go to the bird and nothing. there is no monster

(1 edit)

Hi again, it seems like this is the same bug that has persisted when playing on your Windows 7 computer. I'm not entirely sure what's happening since I made a fix for this a while ago. There's very little to no information regarding this bug and why it appears and only some have speculated that it's to do with something relating to the Windows WebGL. Whether your computer supports WebGL is something I wouldn't know.  If you want to look into this further you can use this link:
There's no guarantee this will fix the game error but it's the only thing I can find.

hi Demi. I found this bug on startup. I synced my 3 saves after recueing the MC @the emerald gardens. But the conflict might be that my latest save is at the start of a WorldSqueegee. (For resources, recover AP. Rebuild funds. Ect. So laters save is back@ the Forest Where We Landed on this world. 

Love ur Portal network btw ^^ makes grinding WAY Less boring. Lol. Just 'Portal' & worldwalk back to the modern area:)

Hi, Dev

Just to make sure, there are a total of 3 memory CGs, right? 

Yes, that's correct.

(4 edits)

Thanks for your quick bugs fix and your hard work!

I recommended this game to my friend and sent a demo to him. A few hours later, he sent his feedback to me.

It looks like he couldn't find where Garet was after Garet stole MC's money... As a beginner to this game, He said the tutorial isn's clear enough to get start into the gameplay smoothly.

I had same problems at first too but I had noticed the cave when I passed it by the first time. But I don't know if everyone had noticed it too when groped around at start. Maybe add a hint should do that. 

And please add a control method tutorial into Tutorias' dialogs, I hadn't learned how to use Q/W to switch between companions until I read this page carefully when I had already been to Regull Port. It took me double cancelation and I have to enter it again every time before I know how to switch XD

does anyone know where the green slib location?

(1 edit) (+2)

It's in Regull Port. Staying at where has many trees.


Hey Bara it's my first time to write something long like this... It may doesn't be written well but I try my best. It takes me nearly 35 hours to finish. I'd like to say it's a good RPG game but I think there're many points can be adjusted. Let's start with the bugs and issues I found.


    Guard can't last long till the guarding character's next movement. It just ends when the action roll above finishes a round.


    "Items" block can't jump to "Game End" block when you press left arrow key. And of course "Game End" can't jump to "Items" either.


    When you cancel the dialogue with Captain Gordon, he'll travel you to another place. As far as I found: Arcius to Volcanic, Volcanic to Arcius, Regull to Volcanic.

4.Mega Potion

    After MC synthing a Mega Potion, the green number of healing just display a fixed value: 150 and it practically won't heal for this little.

5.The box in Arcius Ruins

    It's an interesting issue and it happened when I went smooth in boxes pushing and it happened. Then I tried a slow one and it went well. Plus: "Go smooth" means press arrow key and "Z" key continuously and maybe sometimes press at the same time. It just like playing Street Fighter on keyboard. You know what I mean.

6.Particle effect

    It seems that particle effect will stuck in screen sometimes. I couldn't help much because I don't know how to make it happen again. I've been through Blink-effect stucking and Light-effect stucking for now.

7.Action cancel

    When paralysis or confusion cancels character's movement who is going to spell magic or synth, the consumption of magic&synth wouldn't cancel along with them (I've lost many high potions and some critical AP points in this one lol).

    I think maybe it's because the consumption codes have priority over cancel codes.

8.Weapons' spells

    The chance to release spells through normally attacking enemies is a bit too low. But once it releases successfully, it'll cause a disaster to enemies. What's more, it seems the spell's efficiency is related to caster's Attact, but not eveyone's Attack&Health is high enough to pays several itching normally attacks and gains a tons of damage from boss-rank enemies (That's right, I'm just mentioning you, Su). There are so many cool skill right? such as Star Fall deals a great damage to one enemy, Earth Barrage gives you a efficient way to clear the battlefield. But Weapons's spells can do that all and it's way more efficient despite its low chance to spell. So I think it's not very balance in there.

    My personally opinion is, I would like to add a special one which influence on the spell's casting-chance or damage to allocate in "Stat Points". And reduce the base damage it causes a bit.

9.Synth Soul Breaker

    It's cause a very very very explosive impact on enemies. I was shock when I saw Mortimus' health bar at the first time. it's impressively longer than the darkspore demon which took me half an hour to take down when I hadn't got Synth Soul Breaker. Then I try the new super skill on Mortimus and...he lost half of his health. After this, I continued in guarding after guarding and he couldn't make much damage to me... and when I had enough AP again, he died.

    I think it's OK that it's everyone's bond skill which presents the memory of along the way they've been through, and it cost everyone's 300 AP after all. But compare with the 30-min darkspore demon, I feel a little void after defeating the final boss in this way. 

    Maybe its impactful damage comes from lots of critical damage it can brings, and Mortimus can't stop me from guard-skill-guard action cycle because I have average 3500 hp there and his best aoe skill deals just near 600 per person when I guard. Plus I'm level 46 when challenge him.


   the level between areas is a little too high I think. The level gap needs synth weapons to fill, and weapons need materials. Then to get materials I need taking monsters down but it's difficult and monotonous because the level gap and low drop rate of critical materials. So another choice is purchasing them from markets, but it need golds which mainly come from monsters. What's more, it seems that you can buy Mythril Ore in nowhere unless fighting in Arcius.

    So in my opinion, lower the level gap especially when it comes to last half part of story is an important key to get balance.

It's a good RPG game, I enjoy the 30+ hours while playing this game. There are many interest puzzles and map designs. The block puzzle before the element spirits is my favourite one and I even want more puzzles :D

As for the map designs, the stones in Deep Canyon to push remind me of the Pokemon Platinum's Mt.Coronet's stone lays on south of 211 road entrance. The one-way pass design is interesting. And the Tutorias reminds me of Nurse Joe in Pokemon animes lol.

I genuinely trust you have the ability make even more better game in the future on account of this fantastic Etheria you've made.


(Spoiler) The box has drop a bit when my movement is rapidly. The particle effect error, sorry I don't have the blind effect version. The Mega Potion healing value display problem.

(2 edits) (+2) And here is an interesting lady I've met lol

I made it into a meme video, hope you like it;)

BGM: You Spin Me Round(like a record)

(2 edits) (+1)

I have only started playing and I like it so far! There are many elements and I'm enjoying exploring each one of them. 

 I do hope that dev can make MC move a little faster on the world map though. The enemy encounter rate is rather high on the world map so when these two factors combined together it makes moving across the map a rather tiring process


This game is amazing, it has a very good and well told story, classic rpg elements and captivating characters, congratulations on your great work.  Hugs from Edo (from Brazil).

I save at the campsite. Went into that next room. Then got hit by a black screen.. Reset. & got this error.. I reset again& it works fine. Love the Boss^^

Loved the game, but I can't, for the life of me, find Garet and the MC's ultimate weapon recipe :/ I can't find the last portal either, the one north east of Regull Port. Could anyone help?

Garet's Ultimate Weapon - Do his quest at snowbell village.
Mc's Weapon, At Arcius Ruins.
Portal is north of Dhalium Town

Fun adventureHuh, I didn't think it was possible to get stuck in here but I did it, completely on accident mind you too. Halp pls, should create an item for escaping to a town. *Inserts Escape rope joke here*

Hi there, you can press 'PG UP' to escape when doing these puzzles.

Oh. It was found durring a Su Cannon testdrive w/ new equipment.

Hi Demi=) i found this bug.. Um. Is there some kind of official bug/screenshot, dropoff?

Hi! I've included this bug fixtured on the bug report in the game description 05/06/2021. You may have to download the new update and move your save file over.

someone please help me I am stuck in the emerald forest I done the first two tasks but stuck on the third  every time I done it nothing happens

Make sure to reset the puzzle by talking to the bird first.
You can find the answers in the majority of the previous comments.

ok thank

Deleted 3 years ago

It's in Artellus.

Think my save might be bugged. I finished off the the king's request without finding the other portals and now I can't find them-are there any workarounds for this?

(2 edits)

Hi there, you only need to do the 1st portal to complete the second objective of the quest. After completing the 1st portal. You'll find 2 others including the 1st one to spawn randomly around the world map.  You can find the other two near Paradise Isle & near the Infested Cave. The portals after the 1st one serve as a reoccurring battle and drops.

Cool, thanks, I'll take a good look around.


Just got done finishing the game and I really enjoyed it! Nice work. Quick question: do you have any plans of doing new game+?

(1 edit)

Hi there! Thank you very much for playing and for enjoying the game! Unfortunately, I haven't made any plans for incorporating new game+

I just finished the game and its seems I cant save past defeating the final boss. I was wondering if its a bug or intented? also whether its possible to replay the 3 scenes?

Hi there, you should be prompted to save after seeing the end credit and ending scenes.
After saving you'll be given a Memory Stone to revisit all the scenes and the 3rd scene if you've unlocked it.

I see, thanks.

I have problem here when i enter Guardian Ground all dark screne,i cannot see my character only seen dialog only,please help me

Hi there, I'm not entirely sure what's happened here that would cause the background to become dark. Could you please send me your save file here so I can see if this is an error on the game itself.


Wait when i check their missing some item inside folder,i download again and replace all file then its worked.. Sorry bother u ^^ and thx reply my massage 

Please help, I can't figure out where to go.

I was stuck in the emerald forest, I went through the desert without problems and the forest I can't (

There is the quest log in the menus that will tell you where to go next if you're ever stuck.

Thanks for the answer, and sorry for my english.

There are no problems with quests, I just don't know how to get through the emerald forest

To get through the forest, complete the riddles given by the bird.
First Riddle - Go Right to enter another map, then keep going right 5 times until you see a monster.
Second Riddle - Find and collect all the yellow orbs in the forest.
Third - Talk to the bird first, if you get the directions wrong make sure to always talk to the bird first before continuing.
Do through the forest using the following directions from the bird, go UP, UP-Right, Right and then Left, a monster should be infront of the bird.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful game and help.

I'm also having trouble with this but I'm doing exactly this up up right right left. Or north north east east west. I'm back in the area with the statue but there is nothing changed no monster shows up. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. If I can't figure it out I'll capture some video to show you what I'm doing maybe you can tell me what I'm doing wrong here.

I found out why it's not working the riddle is wrong it's not up up right right left it's up up right left. The second right is messing us up.

How I can pass South, Southwest,West,East? I confused it

Talk to the bird first, then go up, up-right, right, left.

Thanks Bara! XD

Any1 know where Water Gems (NOT Crystals) are?

Water gems can be made when you reach Balora Town and grab the pink/purple orb.


& the update i got 2days ago lets it run smooth enough on my windows7Pro.. That i can AttackSpam the N.M.E. by holding the Enter/ Return key.^^


I love the post- desert area^^

My armors are good enough& general enough to survive. But enemy toughness means that by the end ive taken some real damage. Challenge^^.

Which enemy drops clover leaf?


Traplants, the red ones and the purple ones.


Im trying to replicate the error realfast b4 bed


The bug popped up durring a fight w/ a skeleton warrior. While performing Revenge. 

Also. That SuperWind elemental was Awesome!!^^

Are there only two episodes of R18 that can be recalled in the game? ,After completing all main quests, I found I didn't know what to do.Will there be any special surprises in the side quests? Still just a few item rewards

There are 3 episodes I believe. Two are unlocked just playing through the main story, the last one is unlocked after getting the recipe for everyone's ultimate weapon and returning to the house Garet is at in the town in Arcius.

Really enjoyed this game, though the difficulty is a bit all over. My main gripe is the HP scaling, particularly on the doppelganger fight, since it seems to be based off your level - Enemies take far too long to kill, especially before getting endgame gear. 

The other thing is I can't for the life of me find the last crafting recipes. Based off someone else's comment, it seems there are supposed to be three portals in the last sidequest with the arena fights for Lex's best weapon. I could only find the one near Lumbly Bridge. I did do the arena refights first, and the quest pointed me back to the guard in Regull. The only thing I can think of is that doing the arena first broke the other portals, because they're not where they were said to be.

Hi there thanks for playing!
There's been a slight glitch with the last recipe. I've patched this up today and uploaded the new file with the bug report in the description.
Hope that helps.

I did the Lumbly Bridge portal after the arena myself and it dropped the recipe for Su's ultimate weapon and Dark Matter which is needed for Lex's ultimate weapon. I did a second portal West of Paradise Isle and it dropped almost everything minus the recipe (so I'm not sure if the first one you defeat drops it or if it's exclusively the Lumbly Bridge portal). I'm assuming the last portal I could find northeast of Regull Port will be the same.


i also threw you a rating. this things a freakin' Work of Art.:)


WOOOWW. nevermind^^ grawrrr all those times i rebought for a modern download lololololol. XP Great game though Bara:] id Totally throw 20 $ @ your way.. after the RAing at the start of every month. Bills Groceries Rent; the Responsible Adulting (RA).

Oh no! I am more than happy to refund, when you purchase the game you should have a link or the game in your library!


hehe Yep. I found it^^. There was this hyperlink @ the top of your Eatheria homepage talking about me having purchased it. I clicked on it. & There was the updated zip file:]


Hi Bara. i found the patch you posted in my Feed. did you want me to buy the game allover again?

Is the screen supposed to go black at the beach hunt because when i send off Garet to hunt it goes to a black screen and I seemingly can't do anything and have to restart

(3 edits)

Hi, if you've downloaded the game before 20/05/2021 - you may need to grab the new upload with the fix and move your save file across and load your recent save.

hey just wanted to ask is there a completed version of demi's inn or is that a more in less what's there is there

nevermind, just remembered how to read and saw knew title of i

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